Every patch, there is always that hero who is OP (OVERPOWERED), like the previous patch where Bloodseeker, Leshrac and Lina were the thing but gone are those days because every patch comes with nerfs and balances.
Dota version 6.85 offers new nerfs and buffs to certain heroes that you can abuse in order to pubstomp enemy teams or climb your mmr easier.
So here are the list of those heroes that you can abuse pick in order to get easy wins:
- Windranger or so-called WINranger - At 16 minutes, if you farm faster, could be less, you can own your enemies by buying blink dagger or go straight for Aghanim's scepter. The scepter buff on Windranger's ultimate is definitely one of the most overpowered skills in game. Aghanim's scepter is good paired with Blink dagger so you could surprise your enemies and shackle them with trees of creeps/heroes behind to have a longer stun. If you don't have a Blink Dagger, you could use Windrun ability to initiate faster, but we all know windrun is also a defensive skill you need in order to kill enemies while getting misses from physical enemies aiming you.
- Ursa - Buying boots of speed early game and picking 3rd skill is a first-blood assurance. With boots, you get a movespeed of 360, while most heroes buy Tangoes with no boots will definitely have 350 below movespeed. In most games, people will go for bounty runes at start so take that chance to chase enemies with easy right-clicks and own the game. His ulti is also very strong that you get damage reduction by about 80% and increases your fury swipes damage. You can easily go roshan if you have level 3 Fury swipes with just a Morbid Mask (Lifesteal).
- Bristleback - Yeah the most overlooked hero, but a very tanky hero with insane damage from first skill (Slow movespeed plus minus armor debuff) and second skill (increased stack damage). With just Vanguard and Blademail, he can tank easily with his third skill, unlike Axe, he's a hero that should not be ignored in some circumstances because he deals damage if you ignroe him too much. Unlike Axe, you can ignore him if he doesn't have berserker and can do very little damage. But Bristleback, he's too annoying and can deal too much damage because of his ultimate.
- Undying - He was too annoying before, and now he's getting buffed. With Aghanim's scepter, he can steal 10 Strength because of Decay, this hero is really good against Strength heroes and expect Intelligence and Agility heroes to be more squishy. And here's the thing, you can heal the Tombstone with its second skill. Annoying zombies still though!
- Warlock - Buff from this hero? Well, his Golems are now immune to Diffusal Blade! Yes, you read it right! This hero was rarely used because he was easy to counter, just two guys with Diffusal Blade and he's out in the scene. Now, you can rush with Aghanim's scepter for this hero to have two Golems and then go for refresher, put those golems down and use third skill for a very ultra slow movespeed debuff that can trap enemy heroes like Blackhole!
- Alchemist - Well, aside from increased gold multiply from his third skill. The coming of Octarine core made Alchemist a rat hero, yes, seems unlikely but if you buy Radiance, Octarine Core and Manta Style with Boots of Travel, you can go anywhere in map and push easily. He's like a fat version of Naga Siren with those items. Since his ultimate is tanky with very fast HP regeneration speed, Radiance paired with Octarine core made it faster since the Core has a passive ability to heal from magic damage done. Radiance is a magical item so expect damage from Radiance will heal a portion of your health through Octarine!
- Nature's Prophet - Some people said that this hero is buffed just for Alliance. Yes, Admiral Bulldog was dubbed a Rat God and with his Ultimate being buffed with Aghanim's scepter, every creep kills from his ulti will spawn a treant! So yeah, more creeps = more push and win. If a hero gets killed by nature's ulti, it will spawn a larger treant that has a mega-creep status! So better buy Aghanim's with Refresher and go RAT DOTA like the Alliance team!
- Chaos Knight - Every critical strike from his third skill, the enemy being hit will get a minus 5 armor debuff, its like a free Desolator if you ask me, just with no damage, Still a hero that went unnoticed, I'm sure some day he will be in the meta! Go play this hero paired with Armlet of Mordigan, Helm of Dominator and Manta style, easy game!
- Tuskar - A flexible hero that can support, off-lane and carry. Annoying Ice shards that can block escaping heroes and snowball that can stun and repel damage from enemies. With a one-punch man combo that hits hard to supports with just a phase boots item.
More heroes to come in this list depending on the new meta discovered in-game. But those lists above are quite overwhelming already. So spam them and play better with those heroes and raising your MMR would be easier now! Do it before Icefrog nerfs those heroes and gone are the days of easy games!