Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Heroes to abuse for easy win at patch 6.86

The so-called Balance of Power patch doesn't really mean balance on all heroes, like past Dota 2 patches, some heroes are nerfed, balanced and buffed. Here are the list of pub-stomping heroes for easy win at normal and ranked games. These heroes are abused for easy MMR climb. Winranger - With a slight nerf on her shackles which can be disjointed. Meaning, when a hero blinks, shackles won't normally follow the hero and shackle it, instead,...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Heroes to Abuse for easy WIN at Patch 6.85

Every patch, there is always that hero who is OP (OVERPOWERED), like the previous patch where Bloodseeker, Leshrac and Lina were the thing but gone are those days because every patch comes with nerfs and balances. Dota version 6.85 offers new nerfs and buffs to certain heroes that you can abuse in order to pubstomp enemy teams or climb your mmr easier. So here are the list of those heroes that you can abuse pick in order to get easy wins: Windranger...

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Secrets to Very High Skill Smufing MMR Dota

Source: Arteezy's DOTABUFF Statistics There have been many questions by players in the past on how to achieve 4k +, 5k+, 6k + mmr on Dota 2. But there are even more players who are curious and wants to know how to achieve a Very High Skill MMR on Dota below level 13 (TBD).  The Very High Skill (VHS) on Dotabuff means MMR above 4k. Many people have been struggling to achieve this skill bracket, but this is not that hard to achieve when...

Friday, August 14, 2015

Who is Icefrog?

Is this photo the real face of Icefrog? Many DOTA fans have been asking this for ages, who is Icefrog and what is his real name? Dota has been around for so many years yet the mysterious developer behind the success of Dota (he continued developing Dota after Guinsoo and Euls, one of the creators of Dota) has not been known ever since. Although some may have claimed they have seen him in person, but those are just claims that are circulating...

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Recycle unused player cards to prediction charm!

Player cards, more  examples here: Accounts who were active during 2013 and 2014 should be expected to have player cards, but instead of deleting/removing them, you can use the player cards to be recycled as charms. Yes, you heard it, I may not have any screen or video proofs but it is possible, all items in DotA 2 can be recycled as charms, and unused player cards are no exemption.  I...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

DotA 2 Basic Cheat Commands

If cheat mode is enabled when you create a lobby in Dota 2, then you can type these in-game: What is Dota 2 -safe? As far as I know, there is no cheat command like that. Dota 2 -lvlup <x> (For ex: -lvlup 25) Gain x levels. -levelbots <x> All bots gain x levels. -gold <x> Gain x unreliable gold. -item <name> Gives the player the named item. Refer to the internal item names, below. -givebots <name> Gives...

Friday, February 20, 2015

Year Best Brawl Guide plus Tips to Fast-picking the best hero combo!

Year Beast Brawl, New Bloom 2015 Loading Screen Year beast brawl has been spammed with mostly these hero AoE combos: Undying Zeus Dazzle Omniknight Warlock Sniper These hero combination for New Bloom 2015 has no doubt the highest win rate in this said event, but here's a little secret I would like to tell everyone, to those who do not know, on how to Fast pick those in-demand heroes in the Picking Pool. If you are a part of five or...