Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Heroes to abuse for easy win at patch 6.86

The so-called Balance of Power patch doesn't really mean balance on all heroes, like past Dota 2 patches, some heroes are nerfed, balanced and buffed. Here are the list of pub-stomping heroes for easy win at normal and ranked games. These heroes are abused for easy MMR climb.

Winranger - With a slight nerf on her shackles which can be disjointed. Meaning, when a hero blinks, shackles won't normally follow the hero and shackle it, instead, due to this change, his shackle can now be evaded. BUT, this hero is still strong because of the Aghanim's scepter buff.

Pudge - Reworked Aghanim's scepter will give you a 4-second hook cooldown plus more damage. Yes, pudge is a a grabber that works best wherever lane you put him to.

Invoker - This guy might be Icefrog's favorite, invoke at level 1? Well, it sure is a buff that made this hero more useful and powerful every game. 

Dragon Knight - A buff on his dragon blood with more HP regeneration, he was so tanky before what more now!

Bristleback - Even if you don't give this hero an Aghanim's scepter buff, this hero is too annoying and painful at the same time, although you just need Undying, LC and Magic Wand to counter this guy, still he's not to be underestimated.

Legion commander - Play her right and she will own the game big time! Even if you don't buy Aghanim's on this hero, she's still powerful and a pub-stomper, but if you want her to be a locker go for Agha!

Ursa - Aganim's scepter gives this hero's ultimate a free-activation card even when stunned, lower CD on ulti with 80% reduced damage on level 3, he's still a monster like he was before.

Ember Spirit - the so-called 1v9 hero that can own the late game by using double or single Divine Rapier.

Spectre - paired with good supports this hero will help you climb the MMR ladder since he's tanky with high Hero damage!

More heroes to come depending on the new metas we will discover! Happy gaming!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Heroes to Abuse for easy WIN at Patch 6.85

Every patch, there is always that hero who is OP (OVERPOWERED), like the previous patch where Bloodseeker, Leshrac and Lina were the thing but gone are those days because every patch comes with nerfs and balances.

Dota version 6.85 offers new nerfs and buffs to certain heroes that you can abuse in order to pubstomp enemy teams or climb your mmr easier.

So here are the list of those heroes that you can abuse pick in order to get easy wins:

  • Windranger  or so-called WINranger - At 16 minutes, if  you farm faster, could be less, you can own your enemies by buying blink dagger or go straight for Aghanim's scepter. The scepter buff on Windranger's ultimate is definitely one of the most overpowered skills in game. Aghanim's scepter is good paired with Blink dagger so you could surprise your enemies and shackle them with trees of creeps/heroes behind to have a longer stun. If you don't have a Blink Dagger, you could use Windrun ability to initiate faster, but we all know windrun is also a defensive skill you need in order to kill enemies while getting misses from physical enemies aiming you.

  • Ursa - Buying boots of speed early game and picking 3rd skill is a first-blood assurance. With boots, you get a movespeed of 360, while most heroes buy Tangoes with no boots will definitely have 350 below movespeed. In most games, people will go for bounty runes at start so take that chance to chase enemies with easy right-clicks and own the game. His ulti is also very strong that you get damage reduction by about 80% and increases your fury swipes damage. You can easily go roshan if you have level 3 Fury swipes with just a Morbid Mask (Lifesteal).

  • Bristleback - Yeah the most overlooked hero, but a very tanky hero with insane damage from first skill (Slow movespeed plus minus armor debuff) and second skill (increased stack damage). With just Vanguard and Blademail, he can tank easily with his third skill, unlike Axe, he's a hero that should not be ignored in some circumstances because he deals damage if you ignroe him too much. Unlike Axe, you can ignore him if he doesn't have berserker and can do very little damage. But Bristleback, he's too annoying and can deal too much damage because of his ultimate.

  • Undying - He was too annoying before, and now he's getting buffed. With Aghanim's scepter, he can steal 10 Strength because of Decay, this hero is really good against Strength heroes and expect Intelligence and Agility heroes to be more squishy. And here's the thing, you can heal the Tombstone with its second skill. Annoying zombies still though!

  • Warlock - Buff from this hero? Well, his Golems are now immune to Diffusal Blade! Yes, you read it right! This hero was rarely used because he was easy to counter, just two guys with Diffusal Blade and he's out in the scene. Now, you can rush with Aghanim's scepter for this hero to have two Golems and then go for refresher, put those golems down and use third skill for a very ultra slow movespeed debuff that can trap enemy heroes like Blackhole!

  • Alchemist - Well, aside from increased gold multiply from his third skill. The coming of Octarine core made Alchemist a  rat hero, yes, seems unlikely but if you buy Radiance, Octarine Core and Manta Style with Boots of Travel, you can go anywhere in map and push easily. He's like a fat version of Naga Siren with those items. Since his ultimate is tanky with very fast HP regeneration speed, Radiance paired with Octarine core made it faster since the Core has a passive ability to heal from magic damage done. Radiance is a magical item so expect damage from Radiance will heal a portion of your health through Octarine!

  • Nature's Prophet - Some people said that this hero is buffed just for Alliance. Yes, Admiral Bulldog was dubbed a Rat God and with his Ultimate being buffed with Aghanim's scepter, every creep kills from his ulti will spawn a treant! So yeah, more creeps = more push and win. If a hero gets killed by nature's ulti, it will spawn a larger treant that has a mega-creep status! So better buy Aghanim's with Refresher and go RAT DOTA like the Alliance team! 

  • Chaos Knight - Every critical strike from his third skill, the enemy being hit will get a minus 5 armor debuff, its like a free Desolator if you ask me, just with no damage, Still a hero that went unnoticed, I'm sure some day he will be in the meta! Go play this hero paired with Armlet of Mordigan, Helm of Dominator and Manta style, easy game!

  • Tuskar - A flexible hero that can support, off-lane and carry. Annoying Ice shards that can block escaping heroes and snowball that can stun and repel damage from enemies. With a one-punch man combo that hits hard to supports with just a phase boots item.

More heroes to come in this list depending on the new meta discovered in-game. But those lists above are quite overwhelming already. So spam them and play better with those heroes and raising your MMR would be easier now! Do it before Icefrog nerfs those heroes and gone are the days of easy games!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Secrets to Very High Skill Smufing MMR Dota

Source: Arteezy's DOTABUFF Statistics

There have been many questions by players in the past on how to achieve 4k +, 5k+, 6k + mmr on Dota 2. But there are even more players who are curious and wants to know how to achieve a Very High Skill MMR on Dota below level 13 (TBD). 

The Very High Skill (VHS) on Dotabuff means MMR above 4k. Many people have been struggling to achieve this skill bracket, but this is not that hard to achieve when you have this conditions and follow these steps.
You must be very GOOD

Very GOOD just means you play beyond average. Do you know how to play Shadow Fiend, Meepo, Storm Spirit, Tinker, Invoker well? Can you achieve a more than 500 GPM (Gold per Minute) and XPM (XP per Minute) with carries? Can you play heroes well with a good KDA (Kill Deaths Assist ratio)? If you do then you sure have the power to go to the Very High Skill bracket.

Create a new account

When you play so well but stuck on a 3k MMR because your team is trash, there's a solution BUT there is a downside of it though. Since there is a new account system by Valve that when you create a new account, it can't add any friends unless you buy games from them. But if you are not that friendly then you shouldn't mind. People can still add you though.

Easy Very High Skill bracket with this trick

After creating a new account and logged in to Dota, you will be able to select what experience you have with the game. There is "I am a Beginner", "I've played an RTS game", or "I've played Dota 2". Now, if you want easy matches, go with "I am a Beginner", with this, you will be matched with obviously new players, which means EASY KILLS, EASY GOLD and EASY WIN.

Since MMR is already calculated right after level 1, if you play very good you will be moved to another bracket. But, do not expect to be put in the Very High Skill immediately, since Valve has an algorithm that prevents smurfing, it will be normal that you will be put in the NORMAL SKILL brackets first. After you've shown Valve that you own the game so easily you will be moved to the HIGH SKILL bracket and then the VERY HIGH SKILL bracket.

Once you've proven you can own the game on the VERY HIGH SKILL brackets, you will be permanently ranked in that bracket, but do your best still so that you can go beyond 4k mmr.

To know more on how to get to the VERY HIGH SKILL, there is a very proven article on how to achieve it. This guide is just showing you how to start getting into the VERY HIGH SKILL bracket when you create an account.

Read this article for more information for more tips: Proven Dota MMR Calculation using Dotabuff statistics

Friday, August 14, 2015

Who is Icefrog?

Is this photo the real face of Icefrog?
Many DOTA fans have been asking this for ages, who is Icefrog and what is his real name? Dota has been around for so many years yet the mysterious developer behind the success of Dota (he continued developing Dota after Guinsoo and Euls, one of the creators of Dota) has not been known ever since. Although some may have claimed they have seen him in person, but those are just claims that are circulating around the internet without proof.

Some players may say that we should respect why he wants to remain in secret, but those reasons being speculated doesn't make sense at all.

Is Icefrog afraid of threats because of the game going famous?

Like the creator of the infamous game "Flappy bird", the creator deleted his game because of some threats he received, but still it was another conspiracy theory. But, when Icefrog continued to develop Dota 1 from the Warcraft III engine, it wasn't even famous that time and no one thought that it could become famous like what it is now today. So saying that the reason why Icefrog is hiding his real identity due to threats doesn't make sense at all.

Is Icefrog afraid of the spotlight?

Like the question above, who thought that his game could be famous? Most game developers show their faces, not because they want spotlight but because they want to be known. But Icefrog seems to be one of the mysterious game developers today, some people may say that he is like a "god" doing the works while being invisible.

Is Icefrog a devil/demon?
Some people claimed that Dota is a demonic game and that Icefrog doesn't want to be known because he is the devil.

Is Icefrog an idea?

Some speculated that Icefrog is a group of game developers who made Dota to what it is today. Some say Icefrog is an idea that made the game improve through the ages.

It is a mystery to all of us Dota lovers out there, we may want to know who is behind the making of Dota. But don't you think we all deserved to know the face behind the success? What are the reasons behind this secrecy? Are there conspiracies involved? For now, we don't know, but someday we will. But how Icefrog has hidden himself from the internet is something that makes it creepier and mysterious. But if you have any ideas out there, we are here to listen, just comment on the comment section below.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Recycle unused player cards to prediction charm!

Player cards, more  examples here:

Accounts who were active during 2013 and 2014 should be expected to have player cards, but instead of deleting/removing them, you can use the player cards to be recycled as charms. Yes, you heard it, I may not have any screen or video proofs but it is possible, all items in DotA 2 can be recycled as charms, and unused player cards are no exemption. 
I logged in to my old account this 2015 when I found out I had too much player cards that did not expire. It is a two-year old Dota 2 account and found out that it can be recycled as a charm.

If you have an account and remembered you had player cards back from The International 1 and 2 then you probably should use it and recycle, then gift the bundled items to your new account, simple, but if you have too many player cards recycled as charms, you have to play lots of games though, since 3 games won is equal to a treasure item with lots of bundled goodies in it! Good luck!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

DotA 2 Basic Cheat Commands

If cheat mode is enabled when you create a lobby in Dota 2, then you can type these in-game:

What is Dota 2 -safe?
As far as I know, there is no cheat command like that.

Dota 2 -lvlup <x> (For ex: -lvlup 25)
Gain x levels.

-levelbots <x>
All bots gain x levels.

-gold <x>
Gain x unreliable gold.

-item <name>
Gives the player the named item. Refer to the internal item names, below.

-givebots <name>
Gives all bots the named item.

Gives the player full health and mana, and renews cooldowns.

Moves the player to fountain, also respawning if dead.

Sets the timer to 0:00, creeps spawn and game starts.

Spawns creeps instantly.

Spawns neutral camps instantly, taking into account neutral spawn blocking.



Disables / enables lane creep spawning

Spawns a rune randomly at one of the two rune spots.

Kills all creeps.

Destroys all wards.

-createhero <name>
-createhero <name> neutral
-createhero <name> enemy

Creates named hero as a friendly, neutral, or enemy unit. Hero will spawn at the location of your mouse pointer. Refer to the internal hero names below. Non-hero units can also be created. For example, -createhero fountain will spawn a fountain.

Displays AI status.


Turn on or off "wtf" mode, where abilities have no mana cost or cooldown.


Turn on or off "allvision" mode, where the player is given vision of both factions.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Year Best Brawl Guide plus Tips to Fast-picking the best hero combo!

Year Beast Brawl, New Bloom 2015 Loading Screen

Year beast brawl has been spammed with mostly these hero AoE combos:
  • Undying
  • Zeus
  • Dazzle
  • Omniknight
  • Warlock
  • Sniper
These hero combination for New Bloom 2015 has no doubt the highest win rate in this said event, but here's a little secret I would like to tell everyone, to those who do not know, on how to Fast pick those in-demand heroes in the Picking Pool.

If you are a part of five or solo, the best way to fast pick heroes like Undying, Zeus, and Warlock are, to play BOT (AI). Why?

Do you notice that after you played a game with a hero (for example: Sniper) and when you are now in your next game picking phase, you noticed that the default hero selection is Sniper right?

So in your party, play a BOT match while you are waiting, pick the hero which you are assigned to, then leave the game. And when the year beast brawl starts and you are now in the picking phase, the hero you are assigned to will be the default one in your screen, so it will be an automatic select hero that requires no fast-hands moves!

Try it now!