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The Year Best, New Bloom 2015 |
UPDATED (March 3, 2015) - How to win the Year Beast Brawl depends on hero picks and strategies. Me and my friends have played the year beast brawl more then 10 times and found out a decent combo to win the game.
Year Best Upgrade Path:
- 2 Combat paths: For bashing your year beast's targets.
- 3 Support paths: A game with support is an advantage.
New Meta for the best path for the Year beast: (Updated)
- 2 Combat paths
- 1 support path: Damage between the attacks are too great that support paths are almost useless
- 2 speed paths: Very good attack speed from beast, a counter for the enemy beast and heroes
Another meta for the best beast build path: (The most effective year beast counter)
- 2 Combat paths
- 3 Speed paths - more speed with combat damage is like troll warlord's bash. The best year beast counter.
So, here are the list of hero combinations to get an advantage in the Year Beast Brawl:
New LATEST best hero for year beast line-up combo:
New LATEST best hero for year beast line-up combo:
(Note: This is not a 5-man combo, you can add one of these heroes in your favorite line-ups):
- Tinker - with march of machines, this is definitely an anti-push hero that can counter enemy pics like Undying
- Earthshaker - we all know this can block
- Witch doctor - the casket plus the death ward is obviously best for this since most year beast plays are stick with team, just make sure you won't get stunned
- Sniper - for late game if you think it is hard to win early. One of the beast heroes against beasts.
- Drow Ranger - a push strat hero, even with less items, because of the Ultimate, this hero can push really fast. One of the beast heroes against beasts.
- Ancient Apparition - if enemies have abbadon, this will counter his ulti. Ancient Apparition ulti is very good to keep enemies from healing.
- Queen of Pain - burst damage, build aghanim's scepter first so the ulti will have a very low cooldown!
- Pugna - Since most picks are skill type heroes that uses amount of mana, Pugna's nether ward is one of the best counter for these heroes. Add this to the list of 2015 Year Beast's best heroes.
Rush Combo:
- Zeus - the damage, no doubt.
- Undying - the tombstone and decay, very very very annoying.
- Warlock - the Golems and the AoE stun, more push strat.
- Omniknight - for the Guardian and repel!
- Death Prophet - Rush push and insane ulti damage for beast and players.
- Wex Invoker - to support beast's attack speed (Alacrity) and EMP, Tornado and Deafening blasts to counter enemies.
- Undying
- Warlock
- Zeus
- Abbadon / Omniknight - the shield and the tankiness for front line face smash
- Axe / Bristleback - tank and damage is very useful here
- Dazzle - grave on the year beast? How nice
- Sniper - for the safe range free shot
- Undying - this is really one of the most-used hero during the year beast brawl with higher win rate.
- Zeus - god of thunder for the beast, yeah
- Razor - will suck the damage out of the year beast.
- Omniknight - must keep the team alive of course
- Undying
- Necrophos - support heals plus heartstopper and repear's scythe.
- Witch doctor - counter intiation plus the death ward is no question for damage
- #1 - Protect the beast at all cost, support heroes are really find with this.
- #2 - Beast will segway (side lane) push and heroes will bombard mid
Here are additional tips from DotA 2 gamepedia:
- Necrophos can kill the Year Beast quickly with Reaper's Scythe, but you really shouldn't.
- Omniknight can make the Year Beast magic immune with Repel.
- Magnus can make the Year Beast attacks do cleave damage with Empower.
- Razor can steal the Year Beast's attack damage with Static Link. This is a very effective Year Beast counter.
- Techies can kill the Year Beast quickly with Land Mines.
- Io can increase the Year Beast's attack speed and survivability with Tether and Overcharge.
- Bloodseeker can increase the Year Beast's damage and damage taken with Bloodrage. This also heals the Year Beast when it gets kills/last hits.
- Invoker can use Alacrity Alacrity to give Year Beast more attack speed and damage.
- Lich can use Ice Armor to increase the Year Beast's armor and slow enemies attacking it.
- Ogre Magi can use Bloodlust to increase Year Beast's attack speed and movement speed.
- Troll Warlord can greatly increase the Year Beast's attack speed with Battle Trance.
- Dazzle can greatly increase the Year Beast's armor with Weave and save Year Beast with Shallow Grave.
Have fun and play well!